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Why we like PDF - Readers and Creation Tools

Five Benefits Of Converting Documents into PDF Format

There is hardly any computer user now who may not be using Portable Document Format files. If you are still unaware of the abilities of this format then it is time that you learn more about it. PDF is a file format that is used to represent documents independent of the application, operating system or hardware used to create them. So one top benefit of the format is its "true mobility" that allows it to be accessed on a huge variety of operating systems and platforms.

Here are 5 best advantages that you will get from PDF documents:

  1. True portability and mobility - If you have a needed software to read various PDF files then there will be no issues regarding reading PDF files. There are free PDF reading tools like Adobe's Acrobat Reader and Foxit Reader which can be used and you will be able to read any file whenever and wherever you want. Plus there are PDF creations tools that are as easy to use as a printer like PDF Creator and Foxit.

  2. Visual elements are preserved - This format cleverly preserves all the visual elements created in other documents before you convert any file to pdf. This means that all your text, fonts, images, and graphics created in the document will be effortlessly converted in the new PDF document.

  3. Interactive actions supported by the format - Various interactive functions like hyperlinks, file attachments, markup, movies, music and text notes are capably supported by PDF. Even interactive forms can be easily integrated that can export and import data when requested.

  4. High level data encryption support - PDF supports data encryption and offers secure approach to transfer data over the net. "User Access" level can as well be customized if you feel the need. Digital signature in PDF works as a mean to confirm its authenticity. You can be least worried about losing your data to a third party since the level of security provided to your documents will be high. Virus or any other malware cannot infect the safety of the content in your documents.

  5. File compression allowed - PDF allows compression of files from raw data file that has been created. This is particularly helpful in documents that have graphical elements. This format can achieve compression levels somewhere between 2:1 down to 8:1 so that document is reduced in size further and this is without losing the quality.

Programs we suggest:

The ability to create PDFs are also built into many current Office Suites and Design Suites, as well as many Operating Systems.